Photograph from the forties of girl with sextant

Hellebaard is one of the main forces behind Stichting OpenTaal, a nonprofit foundation creating and maintaining open source writing aids for the Dutch language. A selection of notable works are:

Related works and spin-offs are:

  • development of the language independent open source spelling checker Nuspell written in C++ with the funding of Mozilla
  • official Dutch spelling website for the Dutch, Belgium and Suriname governments
  • educational poster on diacritics marks in Dutch, officially approved by the Dutch Language Union, October 2012

Detail of educational poster on diacritical marks in the Dutch language Detail educational poster

Related presentations are:

See also LinkedIn and contact Hellebaard for the development, extension or integration of language tools in your software products and services.

The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives. — Anthony J. Mahavorick (1960) American coach, speaker and writer